Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Trashy TV fascinations

Come Dine With Me, Wife Swap, Friends, you name it, I've watched it. I've had Sky+ in my room for about 3 years now and I used to go weeks without watching any TV, all the while feeling guilty about my mum paying for it without me using it!
Ironically, it's only been since I've been employed (albeit more recently, not 2 years ago) that I've started watching more TV. It definitely feels like I'm making up for lost time. It's great at the moment because for our English coursework we have to write/analyse a transcript, so what did I do? Come Dine With Me! Such a great excuse to watch more TV and combine it with (apparent) learning.
I'm actually watching friends while writing this as well as getting ready for work - no one can say I can't multi task! These are some of my favourites at the moment, what with coursework and my job it's difficult to find time to watch a lot of TV which is where my Sky+ comes in handy. 
The ever traditional Friends. Perfect if you've only got half an hour to kill (or less if you're watching on Sky+) and need something light and cheerful.

I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who likes Skins series 5-6 as well as the rest of them (Except 7 of course) I used to be fully obsessed with Skins when I got the boxset and now I'm rewatching it gradually.

Come Dine With Me is on every morning on some weird channel at 8:55AM, which says it all really. Whenever I have long breaks I come home, make my lunch and watch CDWM. It's great as long as I'm not eating anything really uninteresting when the food on CDWM looks so much more appetizing!

I really want to buy the boxset for this - I haven't actually watched it yet but I've heard so much about it - I just wish I could find it available in the UK! If anyone has any links they want to give me then that would be much appreciated

Anyone got any recommendations of programmes I should watch? As it's Christmas and my birthday soon (32 days!!!!) present ideas (yes, for myself) would be great!

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