Friday, 3 January 2014

River Island picks!

I bought myself three NYE dresses this year. Yes, I'm aware I only have one body, I'm also aware NYE is only one night long. I picked up this denim jacket as well somewhat spontaneously - it's not exactly something I need as I've already got my Levi denim jacket, and let's take a quick look out the window at the weather right now! I couldn't resist though; £60 reduced to £20 was a complete steal and I just know I'll get the wear out of it next spring!
This dress is the one I actually wore for NYE which was a really good night in the end! I went to my friend Damiano's party which was shut down about 11PM due to about 40 extra people turning up. I did feel sorry for his mum who was there at the time - she's lovely but wasn't realistic about the amount of people at a teenage party. It ended with a lot of people leaving at 11PM and going to a different party, which me, my friend Emily and 4 other girls I vaguely know from college all jumping in a taxi and going to this other guy's party too. We ended up spending the actual NYE part of the evening in the taxi, drunkenly singing along to Celebrations with the taxi driver, who gave us a discount in the end! It was a somewhat surprising night, although it ended with me and Emily getting pizza and chicken nuggets back in my town before spending £10 on a 2 and a half mile taxi back to my house! The best part of NYE in my opinion? I didn't wake up with a hangover!
I'm aware this post is really, really overdue but I forgot to post it the other day and really wanted to show you guys my new jacket, so here you go!
Hope everyone's had a good week, I can't believe it's back to College next monday :(

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