Sunday, 8 December 2013

I appear to be posting 3 days' worth of posts at a time

It's official: I am a Blogmas failure. It is only the 8th and I'm posting three days' worth of posts at a time?! How can this continue?!
I've decided this post of happiness (6th December) is dedicated to what I spent friday night actually doing (as opposed to blogging, of course.) This would be: DISCOVERING NEW BANDS/MUSIC.

I put bands/music because I've only just listened to Deaf Havana's new album, however I've loved their old stuff (aka their stuff avec Ryan) for a few years now. Their album, Old Souls, was released September this year meaning that I'm not majorly far behind. After the release of their previous album, Fools and Worthless Liars holds strong contrast from when the likes of Ryan were in the band and had a much heavier feel. Old Souls is pretty similar to FAWL in the way that it's still relaxed and lighter, but for this time of year I find it's perfect for relaxing. I ended up listening to the entire album while I was tidying my room on Friday night (no one can call me a boring teenager) and I'm planning to buy it soon!

The only songs I find I'm not keen on are Lights and Speeding Cars, but the rest of the album, in my opinion, is amazing!
My all time favourite Deaf Havana song has got to be Waves, off their second album Meet Me Halfway, At Least.

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