Thursday, 14 November 2013

Bedroom tour

I've figured I post too much about fashion. I guess to some extent this is a more fashion orientated blog but I haven't really mentioned anything personal or lifestyle based, which was another aim when starting this blog. So,I thought I'd do a post about my room. Ages ago I read about Annie's room on Rookie and fell in love with her room. Since then I've become a slight hoarder of pretty much anything - things I've collected from charity shops, pieces of material draped around my room, old photographs and magazine clippings. My room, to put it one way, is not a sight to wake up to. Apologies for the bad camera quality too; my camera has finally died on me which means I have to wait until Christmas for a much needed new camera - 6 weeks yesterday!
This is pretty much the first glance appearance of my room - half of it is vaguely organised and minimal whereas the further in you go the more stuff there is. The pile of clothes under the shelves are my 'to cut up/to change/to sell' pile which has steadily been increasing since I cleared out my wardrobe a month ago. 

The photo quality here is so bad it's actually making me cringe. I guess this is a closer look at the busiest part of my room. Right in the corner is my TV with hula girl-esque flowers around each side. I also stuck a Chanel label over the 'Sharp' logo on my TV which has somehow fooled people into thinking I own a Chanel TV - is there even such thing?! There is also the acoustic guitar which gives off the impression I can play guitar - I can't. I once tried to teach myself before realising I was attempting to play normally but left handed if that makes any sense at all. In short, I failed completely. I guess I'll stick to singing for now. 

This wall originally had old photographs in the corner but gradually they fell down and I've stuck over the existing ones with art pieces I cut out of a book I bought in a charity shop in London. The book was one featuring loads of different art pieces up for auction and I liked it so I bought it, purely to cut up. A lot of the pieces actually had loads of background information which I found really interesting, although gradually these are falling down too. The small quote seen is from The Perks Of Being A Wallflower "And in that moment, I swear we were infinite." I know it's such a stereotypical quote from the book/film but I really connected with the book and film and liked the quote. The only other thing in this photo really is the dreamcatcher which I bought back from Magaluf with me this summer - strange choice of souvenir from such a place but I love it and I've had great but weird dreams since I've had it!

My bedspreads will always be a highlight of my room. I think they're the one thing I'll bring from my room to take to university with me - bedding wise. I have this green one and a purple one with elephants on and they're both from a stall in Camden. They were so cheap at only £7.99 each but they really add an ethnic-y feel to my room which I love, and they give more of an explanation when people walk into my room and it stinks of incense too. I've also tie dyed my bedsheets by dipping them in bleach - the pillowcase can be seen here. 

This is my busiest shelf - it's the one at the best reaching height so also includes my makeup and deodorant which are obviously things I use daily. The only issue with this is that everything unimportant ends up here too - receipts, empty bottles, hairpins. Oh well! I have so many souvenirs on this shelf. The red notebook was from Turkey and is made of leather with some posh stone in it. I bought this a few years ago and use it to rant in mainly. The shells seen in the corner are from various beaches I've been to over the years. The incense cones were bought for me by my mum when she went to Cyprus recently and I'm trying to make them last! The little bottles of oils are also from my mum, although these are half empty ones I've used (she's an aromatherapist) and kept the bottles. The green jar/bottle/call it what you like was from a charity shop but originally from somewhere more blogger worthy - I remember the woman in the shop telling me but I can't remember where! She did say it's supposed to store tea leaves, although mine stores bits of fabric. I've also got old bits of fabric from clothes and shops strung around and Russian dolls my dad bought me from a holiday years ago. 

(I promise I'm not an alcoholic). I'm aiming to increase my DVD collection before I go to university next year, simply because I didn't especially have a childhood where films were watched often (I think that's been phrased terribly) so I'm still alone in the sense I've still never seen films like Monsters Inc and Love Actually! (Despite owning the second now). Realistically I won't even be able to take half of them to uni because of lack of space but I'm choosing to ignore that thought now. Underneath this my books can be seen. I have far too many books - I'd say this is about a fifth of them. The rest of them are stored all over the house because I have no room left - there are books in my bed, under my bed, on the landing, in the living room. You name it - in my house there are books there. The alcohol bottles (and fizzy water vaguely seen) are pretty much a storage place - or substitute rubbish bin depending on the status of said bottle. 

We recently got new doors in the house which is disappointing as my old door was so cool. I spent ages cutting out headline words from newspapers and sticking them all up on my door, but no longer! There's usually a jacket hanging up there but apparently not tonight. The flower garland shown is one I got for free from Slam Dunk music festival this year - I keep it more for memory purposes than decoration but nonetheless it brings something weird/eclectic to my room I think . The 'mirror' is an old door from my old wardrobe which I kept before I got a new wardrobe and somehow the mirror/door stayed. 

My actual wardrobe is an old 'tallboy' wardrobe - it is so old it has sections with names like 'hats' and 'lingerie' and dates back to 1890 I think. I bought it from a charity store in my town centre for about £80 I think which is great considering the quality and size. It's a bit squeaky but I love the design. I've also put a lot of jewelry around the outside of the handles - this was more a gradual thing of laziness than anything design orientated. 

My windowsill has loads more shells and general memorabilia. There's a book on Buddhism which I keep aiming to read and forgetting too, a small box covered in fabric holding all my small change and loads of unprocessed photos and incense packages. There's also a lot of photos and quotes stuck around the windowsill which are cute to look at when I'm in a reminiscent mood.

I think my room will probably be the part of the house I miss most when I go to university - I've finally made it my own and put my own spin on it and the fact I'll have to recreate it all within university standards in a year's time feels a bit weird. I've also been trying to think of what/how my room represents me and makes me look and I've come to the conclusion that I just appear a bit strange with a messy room. Pretty accurate I guess!

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