Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Streetwear/Shopping list

Those who know me will know I'm not your typically girly girl - this applies to my dress sense, my humour sense and just about everything in between. Much to my mother's dissatisfaction there are very few (if any, thinking about it) items of pink clothing in my wardrobe, or skirts/dresses for that matter. I have a topshop denim skater skirt and a few patterned ones from charity shops - usually cut up, usually frayed, usually the result of spontaneous post college pre work shopping and a couple of dresses I bought to wear on holiday but most of my wardrobe is filled with t shirts and shorts. Not especially suitable, you may be thinking, considering British weather showing itself off to it's very finest right this minute.
The great blue British sky as documented fresh from my bedroom window

I feel that considering this is probably the peak of British September weather I should invest in some more weather appropriate clothing, so I've been trawling the ends of the internet in order to find some new clothes
I have a problem with jeans, in that they either look great but depress my purse too much, or they look terrible but are well priced. I did find the nicest Topshop Joni Jeans which sadly fall under both hurdles - slightly too expensive and the main problem? They look terrible. I have what my mother calls 'Soulsby legs' which is her polite way of saying hereditary chubby legs. As seen if you click the link, said jeans are modelled by a girl who would be the winner if not close runner up of The Owner Of The Best Legs To Wear Jeans contest. Alas, mine are nowhere near.
As it stands, I usually wear Disco Pants which are pretty much posh, comfortable, socially acceptable leggings or shorts and tights paired with a t shirt. From creeping Google/Pinterest/Tumblr I've found some more Winter suitable outfits which I'm aiming to buy in the near future. (All sources unknown, pictures taken from Google Images)

I own a lot of beanies already (12 in fact) and because the outfits are pretty simple they can be paired with loads of different things. The bottom right jumper for example, in the photo it's paired with jeans but for alternatives it could be worn with a buttoned up denim shirt underneath or tucked into paperbag style shorts with a gold chain. I do need to find a new coat to wear this year but I'm stuck trying to find one I can pair with different things and one I will definitely wear! My current 'to buy' list so far consists of:

  1. baseball style winter coat
  2. lightweight camo jacket
  3. bottle green vans
  4. cable knit oversized jumper
  5. collar tips 
  6. levi denim long sleeve shirt
Later on or another day I'm going to do a whole other post devoted to trainers simply because they're what I spend most of my income on!

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